Services for Seniors
Food Services
All Senior Centers…
provide a free lunch to seniors at least 60 years of age most weekdays. Currently, carryout meals are available. Call ahead to the center you wish to attend for their serving hours, procedures, and to let them know when you plan to attend. Please call ahead because the food is preordered. Freewill donations are appreciated.
Monthly Menu
(December 2024)
Home Delivered Meal Program
This meal program is based on need, not income. It is designed to provide a well-balanced daily meal to homebound older adults who are unable to prepare adequate meals for themselves and have no other means for assuring healthful nutrition.
Seven frozen meals are delivered on Mondays every week to provide a nutritious meal daily. The delivery of meals may occur any time between 9:30 am and 1 pm.
Volunteers from the local senior center deliver the meals to older adult's homes. Although this is a brief contact, it does provide a check on the well-being of the homebound individual.
Requirements include being a York County resident, at least 60 years of age, having a physical, mental, or emotional disability, which prohibits you from leaving your residence on a regular basis and/or prevents you from preparing a nutritious meal, and if you live alone or with someone who also meets the above criteria. Call: 717-771-9610 or Email: in order to see if you qualify.
Annual Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
All of our centers provide an option for free fruits and vegetables vouchers. Vouchers are usually available from May through July each year. Information will be updated as soon as it’s available. See the first download button for more information on the different center operating times, and other program information. The second button is to download the form to be filled out.
To set up transportation to and from a particular senior center, please contact the senior center directly. Door-to-door transportation is provided by Rabbit Transit’s Paratransit Program. To apply for, or learn more about this program; follow the link below to Rabbit's Paratransit's page, and scroll down to the Senior Free Fare Program.
Job Training Program
AARP offers a job training program for adults at least 55 years of age. Many of our senior centers have onsite training opportunities for this program. For additional information, contact the senior center directly, call AARP SCSEP at 717 234-5961, or go to the website below.